Time to 'fess up - I don't always practice what I preach. **gasp** I have always strongly resented people telling me who I should be, what I should believe, what I should do. "Should" is a nasty swear word that means that whatever you are, believe or do is WRONG. I believe in everyone having their own journey and their own beliefs, and their God given right to those, and I would never presume to judge the rightness or wrongness of their life. What I find myself overcoming now is a tendency to hear words of discomfort, pain, struggle, hurt, anger, fear, and a desire to immediately redirect the person, teach them there are other ways. So, I'm learning to not respond to the words I hear, and to allow the person to feel what they feel. I prefer to shine my own light, and if someone ASKS me for feedback then I'm happy to say how I overcame my own discomfort, pain, struggle, etc etc. When I see people in what I perceive as states of extreme not-in-the-light, I need to remember that they have a right to that state unless they ask for a hand up. That's not to say, however, that I don't offer coins to a beggar, or help someone up when they fall! I'm not heartless, and in fact this redirection of my judgement is because I've tended to offer too much heart and not too little, getting myself into a state of discomfort, pain, (yeah, you know the litany).
Also in the process I've noticed a bit of internal resentment I need to work on, when en-light-ened friends who I trust imply that I'm not "doing it right" because I'm in my own journey. I think that resentment is self-created, because no "not right" words have been spoken and the implication is my own perception. When a Lightworker has very strong beliefs based on their connection to God, they can sometimes be so eager for others to join them in their light-place that they can forget that we all may not want to, may not choose to walk that particular path. Hey, I may enjoy the view over here better! Doesn't mean that I don't want to end up on that same mountaintop, but I'm gonna choose my own way there. So, that's my task for the next couple of weeks - work out why I feel self-created resentment, and choose to feel joy for my OWN journey instead. Find yours!
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Holly Matson is the owner of Lightseeds by Holly, an animal energy healing service to offer balance and wellbeing to animals. Categories