Many years ago, my closest friend and I were talking of our dreams. I said how much I'd enjoy being wealthy and she was shocked. She was raised that it was evil to seek wealth, and instead we should be of service to others. Knowing a bit about her family and their church affiliations I was not surprised, but I countered with this thought. "You're struggling to make ends meet. You can't serve yourself, let alone anyone else, if you're in poverty. How many people could you feed, or house, or clothe, or educate, if you had pots of money?" She responded that she had not thought of it that way, and I know that something in her spirit opened that day. I know several entrepreneurs and practitioners in this holistic/ metaphysical/ well-being community who feel much the same way. "I'm not in it for the money." Well, why not??? Of course It is quite a different thing to be in it ONLY for money, for gain, for power. But how many more people could you support and serve if you had simply scads of cash? Aim for wealth, aim for expansion, aim for growth. Create a plan for what will happen when you do, what your dreams of service are. What we focus on grows, and that's how we create our reality. So take action now toward those dreams of service...what steps can you take now to get those pots of cash?
Did you know we all have "set points"? Points during past, present, or future lives in which something significant happened? I was recently reminded of this during a new meditation I was trying, in which an alternate "version" of me brings me a gift of knowledge. This "other self" had an awareness that I am currently seeking, and the gift was to bring that awareness in to my present-self consciousness. This probably sounds odd to some, but makes perfect sense to me. Time is a man-made construct, so any concept of "now" and "then" is just our perception. My studies and my experience have taught me that any time something amazingly wonderful, or alternatively, traumatic, happens a set-point is created, rather like a re-set point on your computer. As well, other "mes" have understandings, knowledge, experience that you either do not yet have or have forgotten. I find this topic fascinating, and have had some amazing experiences playing with those other Hollys. If it is a topic you wish to explore, seek out the best resource for you, whether a YouTube video, mentor or teacher, or healer, and give it a try. Release judgment and accept the gifts! Everyone is talking about resolutions for a new year - pro or con? Or about goals - pro or con? I prefer the concept of visions. No, not mystic visions, although those are fine too! But as a process of manifestation, I like the idea of creating a vision of not only what I want my life to look like, but how I want it to feel.
Many spiritual teachers talk of using emotions as your guideposts, and I agree. For decades we've heard about, "My gut instinct was...." When you are faced with a decision, for example, and one solution feels better than the other, then that's the one I'd go with. My "higher self" knows what she's doing, mingled in there with all the other spiritual energy and guidance available to me. She communicates with feelings. When I feel "off" I know that feeling is a message, and I quietly seek the reason behind it. Sometimes there is no actual solution, as it's a temporary energetic imbalance. But sometimes the feeling is related to my thoughts, or something I should not have eaten with food sensitivities, or perhaps something I'm contemplating doing. I remember what life was like when my feelings were awful and I didn't know that they were symptoms. My creations were usually negative. Many years later, now I have seen the results of using positive feelings to guide me to achieving my visions. And when I feel and express gratitude for my creations, I get more of them! I like the multi-sensory (i.e. holistic) approach: vision board (literally, vision), aromatherapy, movement (keeping the energy flowing), drawing or writing my goals (kinetic), meditation. These tools allow me to connect with those wiser energies to make my visions, what and who I want to be, with a physical reality. However you do it, allow yourself to vision for the new year! Did you plant a garden this spring? Isn’t it fun to watch the seeds and sprouts growing toward the light? What seeds have you been planting in your spirit? What goals, intentions, dreams have you created? What have you wanted to change about yourself?
You probably know that I’m a student of Law of Attraction, by whatever name you choose to give it. I believe that I co-create my life by planting seeds of desire, fostering them to growth by focusing on what makes me happy, and nurturing them to fruition. For me, every new idea becomes a seed, and how and whether I choose to nurture it becomes my life.
I’ve recently had so many “downloads” from Spirit, with new experiences, new friends, new teachers, and I am so excited about the expansion. Soon I will be moving to a new home – more new experiences, new friends, new teachers! I can hardly wait to see what grows there! Thoreau said: "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." I chose this quote very deliberately when I designed my website. It is the nature of my work! Healers, teachers, intuitives are usually right-brain people. In the years I have worked with this client base, the majority of my clients have brilliant dreams and uplifting things to teach, but trouble with the execution. Are they lacking in something? Absolutely not! “The lovers, the dreamers, and me.” We all learn differently, think differently, and communicate differently. Some are very left-brain, analytical, precise, and others are very right-brain, creative, big-picture. In the skill testing I’ve had, I fall somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, and so I make a good bridge between the hemispheres! There are many reasons right-brainers may have trouble with execution:
If you’re one of those dreamers, keep on dreaming! But be sure to delegate to a skilled, trusted associate so that your dreams are captured and made a physical reality! If you are one of the people, or know one of the people, whose heart is in their left brain (get it?), then my book, The Spiritual Virtual Assistant: A Guide to Supporting Holistic Practitioners, may be for you. If you are the practitioner, spread the word that this resource exists to teach more assistants how to support the dreamers. There are not nearly enough support staff like me to support the number of heart-based workers - please spread the word that this is a wonderful career opportunity! |
Holly Matson is the owner of Lightseeds by Holly, an animal energy healing service to offer balance and wellbeing to animals. Categories